Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't do this...

OK, this is fantastic, it made my day after getting my Scamera ticket. I found this website: "Stealth Tax SCAMeras." Has some great pictures of British speed cameras that have been vandalized. Tons of pictures. It will give you a small sense of victory.

I know I said that this site isn't about getting out of tickets. It's about exposing the unfairness and unsportsmanlike conduct of these cameras. So I don't condone this.

Uh, OK, maybe I do condone this. But don't do it. I never told you to do it. If you do it, it's your ass. But if you do want to put your ass on the line, I know of a couple of Scameras at the 200 block of Rural Road in Tempe that have it coming to them. But it's your ass, not mine. Don't do it.

(Picture from the referenced website http://www.speedcam.co.uk/)

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