Wednesday, January 1, 2020

(STICKY) Lets get something straight...

I like to consider myself to be a safe driver. I haven't had a traffic violation in 13 years. I'm not a leadfoot, I go with the flow, usually a little bit slower than traffic (not that I am a treehugger but I do like to save gas in my big F-150). I am the average driver. In fact, I am probably better than average.

This blog is not about how to get out of a traffic ticket (although it is fun hearing about the people in Arizona looking over their shoulder for 120 days, trying to dodge the process servers). This blog is not about stating the obvious "Obey the law and you won't get your picture taken by a Scamera" (make a comment like that and you will be ridiculed). The point of this blog is to explain why the use of these devices is simply wrong... and to have a little fun along the way.

So kick back, relax, and have fun.

(last edited 10/26/08)

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